Professor Shi Haibin’s Team from the State Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection Found an Innovative Strategy of Red Light-Initiated Cross-Linking of NIR Probes to Cytoplasmic RNA for Prolonged Imaging and Unexpected Tumor Suppression

Professor Shi Haibin’s Team from the State Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection made new progress in the research field of tumor diagnosis and treatment integration. The related achievements were published online in the journal of J. Am. Chem. SOC on December 11th, with the title of “Red Light-Initiated Cross-Linking of NIR Probes to Cytoplasmic RNA: An Innovative Strategy for Prolonged Imaging and Unexpected Tumor Suppression”. The paper could be seen in the website of


In the latest research, Professor Shi Haibin’s team has innovatively proposed a new strategy of covalent cross-linking of red light-initiated probe f-CR with RNA molecules in tumor cells. Doctor Ye Shuyue was the first author, and Professor Shi Haibin was the corresponding author. The research was supported by national and provincial projects.